It’s a spectacular grand opening and ribbon-cutting for Planet Fitness in Diamond Bar. The GM gives a personal tour to Mayor Ruth Low, City Council Members, Miss Diamond Bar and members of Diamond Bar Community Foundation (DBCF). Planet Fitness presents DBCF President Camille Jones with a donation to help the community. Planet Fitness receives certificates from the city’s mayor, Miss Diamond Bar, and Deon Edwards, Editor for The Windmill Magazine. Get the Black Card Membership!  Address  2797 S Diamond Bar Blvd, Diamond Bar, CA 91765.

Diamond Bar Community Foundation (DBCF) co-sponsored the City of Diamond Bar’s inaugural Windmill Lighting Ceremony, held December 4th 2022, on the corner of Grand Ave and Diamond Bar Blvd. Hundreds of people showed up to help celebrate. For the inaugural Windmill Lighting Ceremony, Diamond Ranch High sings a beautiful rendition of the Christmas carol, Silver Bells. Their voices and costumes are amazing.

Diamond Bar Community Foundation (DBCF) board member Gil Rivera presents a check to the City of Diamond Bar to co-sponsor the inaugural Windmill Lighting Ceremony, held December 4th 2022, on the corner of Grand Ave and Diamond Bar Blvd

Let the festivities begin! It’s the inaugural Windmill Lighting Ceremony for the City of Diamond Bar. Diamond Bar Community Foundation (DBCF) board member Michael Ramirez thanks the Mayor and City Council for the opportunity to collaborate on the event, shares the organization’s history with the community and invites people to join.

Mayor Ruth Low and Diamond Bar City Council Members do the official countdown to flipping the lights on at the inaugural Windmill Lighting Ceremony, Sunday, December 4, 2022.

Diamond Bar Community Foundation (DBCF) partnered with Walnut Rotary, City of Diamond Bar and several other organizations for a program created by Diamond Bar Woman’s Club called “Making Spirits Bright.” The program gathers Christmas toys for donation to kids in families living on military bases. Patrick Byrne – Executive Director for Armed Services YMCA Twentynine Palms, Marine LCpl Xavier Petrie, and Marine Cpl Mary Torres showed up to receive donated Christmas toys and say thank you on behalf of Military families at Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms. Leaders in the community Lee and Amy Mao work to increase the amount of toys for donation each year.    

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Diamond Bar Community Foundation

Deon Edwards is the creator and owner of, including the domain name, the physical website, all its subdomains, and the content. Deon Edwards was entitled to be paid by Diamond Bar Community Foundation for the money he put toward the hard costs of building the website as he created it, but the organization did NOT do so. This creative work, physical product and website remain active solely as an act of community service by Deon Edwards to benefit community residents.